Friday, October 06, 2006

Google Puts Lid on New Products

I thought this was long overdue... Especially after reading the article in Fortune magazine "Chaos by design", I was wondering where it was going to lead Google to. The sub-header said it all in that article. "The inside story of disorder, disarray, and uncertainty at Google. And why it's all part of the plan. (They hope.)"

The new article in LATimes business section says "Realizing that its myriad services are confusing users, it will focus on refining what it has."

"In another sign of Google Inc.'s growth from start-up to corporate behemoth, the company's top executives said Thursday that they had begun telling engineers to stop launching so many new services and instead focus on making existing ones work together better."

"Co-founder Sergey Brin is leading a companywide initiative called "Features, not products." He said the campaign started this summer when Google executives realized that myriad product releases were confusing their users."

Read on...(free registration reqd.)

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